Configure Menu

A PNG or SVG file with the height of 132px.
A PNG or SVG file with the height of 132px. It's recommended that the `Back Icon` width will have the same width as the `Menu Icon`.
A PNG or SVG file with the height of 132px.
A PNG or SVG file with the height of 132px
A PNG or SVG file with the height of 132px
A PNG or SVG file with the height of 132px


iPhone SE (320x44 points)
iPhone SE - inner screens (320x44 points)
iPhone 6, 7, 8, X (375x44 points)
iPhone 6, 7, 8, X - inner screens (375x44 points)
iPhone 7 Plus, 8 Plus (414x44 points)
iPhone 7 Plus, 8 Plus - inner screens (414x44 points)


Android typical phone screen (320x56 dp)
Android typical phone screen - inner screens (320x56 dp)
Android large phone screen (480x56 dp)
Android large phone screen - inner screens (480x56 dp)